© thorntreepsychiatricdallas.com
The Physicians at Thorntree Psychiatric gather clinical information from each patient utilizing multiple evaluation methods to include:
- Comprehensive Initial Psychiatric Evaluation that involves each patient meeting with the physician for an extended period of time.
- Individualized treatment screens for a variety of psychiatric diagnosesInformation obtained from previous treating psychiatrists/ and or other mental health professionals as indicated and released by patient
- Information obtained from primary care physicians or other treating physicians as indicated and released by patient.
This information is then formulated into an Initial Comprehensive Individualized Treatment Plan that may include multiple treatment recommendations:
- Medication management
- Referral for Individual Therapy/ Marital Therapy/ Group Therapy
- Referrals to other medical professionals as indicated
- Referral for further diagnostic work-up such as Digital Neurologic Evaluation or Genomic Testing.
- Obtaining appropriate Releases of Information for other individuals/ treatment providers who may provide further clinical information.
- Establishing follow up appointments with your treating physician
Each patient will be seen by their treating physician at their scheduled follow up appointment for further evaluation which may include:
- Evaluation of a medication regimen
- Individualized treatment screens to follow a patient’s progress in treatment as indicated.
- Changes in overall individualized treatment plan as needed to reflect information obtained during the appointment
- Referrals as listed above, if indicated.
- Each follow up appointment allows for time to discuss each patient’s questions about their care.
- Time with Your Physician to discuss Your Treatment
Thorntree Psychiatric Physicians recognizes your experience with our practice begins with a discussion with a member of our staff
Our administrative staff are extensively trained compassionate individuals who are committed to their roles as an integral part of your treatment team.

We have recently completed an affiliation with TMS NeuroSolutions, a North Texas professional organization which includes physicians and extensively trained and experienced technicians as well as a comprehensive organizational management team. Together, we provide Transcranial Magnetic Simulation treatment in our office for depression and other central nervous system disorders. For more information or an evaluation, please call 972-709-1961.