We have recently completed an affiliation with TMS NeuroSolutions, a North Texas professional organization which includes physicians and extensively trained and experienced technicians as well as a comprehensive organizational management team. Together, we provide Transcranial Magnetic Simulation treatment in our office for depression and other central nervous system disorders. For more information or an evaluation, please call 972-709-1961.
”Remission from Depression is Possible”….. TMS Neuro Solutions
Thorntree Psychiatric Associates has always been a progressive treatment organization utilizing the most current thinking and medications for the treatment of central nervous system disorders. Clearly, not all patients are alike and have different experiences as well as different responses to contemporary treatments. Depression, a central nervous system disorder, has sometimes been difficult to treat to remission. New treatment protocols have been developed and are currently increasingly available.
We have recently completed an affiliation with TMS Neuro Solutions, a North Texas professional organization which includes physicians and extensively trained and experienced technicians as well as a comprehensive organizational management team who together provide Transcranial Magnetic Simulation treatment for depression and other central nervous system disorders.
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy was approved by the FDA for depression treatment in 2008.
- TMS therapy for depression is covered by most health insurance companies.
- TMS uses precisely targeted magnetic pulses similar to an MRI to stimulate key areas of the brain that are underactive in patients with depression.
- We provide TMS therapy in our office under the direct supervision of your physician.
- You will be awake and alert during your treatments and can drive to and from the office.
- You will be able to attend to normal daily activities before and after your treatments.
- Many of our patients have reached remission with TMS therapy within 5 to 7 weeks.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy may be prescribed as part of your treatment after the completion of your Initial Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation.
If you are interested in finding out more about TMS therapy or you are ready to schedule an Initial Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation with one of our physicians to include a discussion of TMS, please call our appointment line at 972-709-1961.